Monday, August 30, 2010

WAIS 2004 yearbook

The cover design is weird. I like the amount of pictures it has. This yearbook is too simple. There is no design no creativity. The pictures were nicely taken. The senior pages weren't as good as they are now. I like how its in color. Overall i would give it a 5 out of 10

Staff Positions

1. Photographer- I want to be a photographer because i like taking pictures and its a fun position. And I have a camera of my own at home.

2. Digital Artist- I have used photoshop before and i know a basic understanding of it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Day 8/26/10

Today in class we looked at our survey we took last class.The survey results were surprising. After that we did a computer hunt that asked questions about the classroom and computers. Then we created a blog for class. It was interesting and a fun experience.