Friday, December 16, 2011

If I had to pick a favorite photography concept it would be unusual angle. This concept can make a simple object look much more appealing. It is simple to do this style of photography and I feel like I am getting better and better at it. Above are two picture of an can I took. By adding in an interesting angle the picture becomes much more attractive.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sub Day 12/09/11

On this sub day I worked on my senior icon. It took me the whole class to finish the icon because I added so much content to the icon.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sub Day

On the Sub Day I was called out of class to help a teacher with the Girls Football Game. After coming back I started working on my test. After my test I used the remaining time to work on my business card.


Today in Jeeerbook I worked on my page in Studio Works. I added the picture boxes and contemplated what the design was going to be. So I kept it simple so in the future I can make changes if needed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Business Card Designs + Elements of Design

Elements of Design-
The basic elements of design consist of line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color. Using these elements correctly can result in an attractive layout that is appealing to the viewer. All 5 business cards above show good examples of an attractive well thought design.   

Negative Space

Negative Space is the empty space around the subject in a photograph. This empty can be used to the photographers advantage to make the picture look more appealing. The focus should still be on the subject of the photo but there is a balance between the subject and the negative space.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Photo Evaluation

This photo demonstrates an Interesting Angle.

This photo demonstrates Repetition.

 This photo demonstrates Fill in the Frame.

This photo demonstrates Leading Lines.

This photo demonstrates Symmetry

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Fill the Frame: 
Rule of Thirds: 
Leading Lines:
Depth of Field: 
Unusual Angle:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Photo Evaluations

This picture is using symmetry.

 This picture is using leading lines and the rule of thirds.

This picture is using symmetry and fill the frame.

This photo is using the interesting angle concept.

Yearbook Design

Thursday, August 25, 2011


This theme is really appealing, the use of light colors and white space makes it look interesting. Our yearbook should have a similar style with the addition of more color.

Friday, May 13, 2011

4 Photos

Photo 22: I like this photo because it shows an animal getting revenge for being in captivity.

Photo 6: I really want to try snowboarding someday, it seems like an awesome sport!

Photo 1: This photo shows a sport that isn't popular in the U.S. I wish I was more familiar with this sport.

Photo 20: Rugby is a really awesome sport! I wish it was more popular in Europe!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


1. Which would be the best program to use for editing photos?

A. Photoshop Elements
B. Photoshop *
C. After Effects
D. Dream Weaver

2.  What would be an example modern photography?

A. Vintage
C. Sepia
D. Black And White

3. What is the overall theme of the yearbook?

A. Modern
B. Movies
C. Photography*
D. Music

4. What program should NOT be used to edit pictures?

A. Photo Booth
B. Photoshop
C. Photoshop Elements
D. Iphoto

5. What does Ctrl A do in Photoshop?

A. Duplicates Layer
B. Selects Image
C. Deletes Layer
D. Copies Layer

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Japan's crisis: one month later- Pictures

Picture 21: This picture reminds me of Aliens conducting experiments on humans!

Picture 36:  This is a really nice picture of the sunset. 

Picture 9: This photo shows how powerful earthquakes can be. 

Picture 8: This shows how humans will work together no matter how bad the situation.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Picture 22: I think this picture is really amusing because the former president of anti communist country (Jimmy Carter), is getting a base ball signed by Fidel Castro! 

Picture 19: It is interesting to see that there is communist meetings.

Picture 28: Its cool to see how the bird catches its prey. 

Picture 29: Cigars are very popular in Cuba, it seems that that the women smoke them too.

Picture 8: The beach is a very nice place to go, Cuba seems to have nice looking beaches.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Finally took pictures of prom committee at the football game. Probably took around 50 - 70 pictures, hopefully they are good!


Helped Katie and Brianna with Photoshop because they have no idea how to use it... trying to erase a straw out of a picture! a lot harder than it sounds!


Edited more photos of 11th grade student life pictures... Need to look at more Photoshop tutorials so i can edited pictures better.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Since I can't get pictures of Prom Committee 2011 until Wednesday, I took pictures of 11th graders with Dominick. I found its pretty difficult to get a decent picture because everyone wants to look at the camera and make "funny" faces.  

Friday, February 25, 2011


Edited a picture "JOHN" and "JANE" to finally add the last picture in the first page of 11th grade student life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Looked at some informative videos on photoshop. I had to fix the 11 grade student life pictures cause they were vintage instead of modern. And now I just need one more good picture.


Shaun! Come back its hard to get work done when your not. I have just been editing photos for 11th grade student life. I have a lot of questions that need to be answered! I need pictures for german honor society!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Looked at the vintage Photoshop tutorials and edited some pictures of my own and put them in the yearbook.


I need to figure out a way to get pictures for student council, the class only meets on SOME Mondays after school! I wish I could get an easier page.


Took a couple more pictures, I think the new ones are better than the last ones. Edited a few pictures to see which ones look the best.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This time I actually got some good pictures but I didn't have time to edit them because of the 3 drills we had today.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today i finally took some pictures of 11 graders. Its kind of difficult to take pictures cause everyone looks at the camera and some of the teachers dont let you take pictures. Hopefully i will have better luck next time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I really need to get pictures for my page!!! I am going to start taking pictures at lunch so i can finally get some pictures. Today i looked at some vintage tutorials.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Finally back from winter break! I looked at my old page at fixed the problems with it but i still need to add one more picture. Im not really looking forward to doing 8th grade student life because i dont talk to any 8th graders!